Overheating of glycerin in the presence of a large amount of water leads to the release of acrolein.


Vape effect on the body The Intelligent Investor
Nicotine is an alkaloid found in plants of the Solanaceae family, mainly in tobacco.

Today, I would like to touch upon a rather important topic in our time - Electronic cigarettes and their effect on the body and analyze the vape culture and Vapour Store online as a whole.

It is already impossible not to notice them in our time, and every day more and more people are switching to steam, in particular teenagers and non-smokers! They see this either as a way to get rid of another addiction - smoking, or because of the coolness, as it seems to teenagers to exhale large puffs of smoke. Many are shouting about safety or referring to last year's British study and shouting that steam is 95% safer, I float wherever I want, etc.

I have studied this topic for quite a long time and would like to share some conclusions.

Propylene glycol is a colorless viscous liquid with a weak characteristic odor, sweetish taste, and hygroscopic properties.

E1520 (propylene glycol) additive is approved for use in most countries of the world.

It is often used in medicines, cosmetics, as a food additive.

The harm from it is not great, but there are cases of allergy to this additive, and if you use it in the form of steam and inhale it into the lungs, it can cause quite serious complications.

Glycerin is a colorless, viscous, hygroscopic liquid, infinitely soluble in water. Sweet in taste, which is why it got its name (glycos - sweet). It dissolves many substances well.

The area of ​​application of glycerin is diverse: food industry, tobacco production, medical industry, production of detergents and cosmetics, agriculture, textile, paper and leather industries, plastics production, paint and varnish industry, electrical and radio engineering.

In the course of numerous studies, the negative effect of glycerin on the body of a person who smokes electronic cigarettes has been identified. The main types of health risks for the smoker and others are:

Glycerin promotes active hydration, therefore, with constant smoking, symptoms such as sore throat, increased dryness of the nasopharynx and many others can be observed. For people with kidney disease, smoking of this kind can trigger an exacerbation. The perceived harm of glycerin in e-cigarettes also lies in its ability to dehydrate the skin. It should also be borne in mind that glycerin is not completely excreted from the lungs and part of it settles inside. Glycerin also tends to accumulate moisture, respectively, for bathers who will inhale humid air, say during fog or rain, some of the moisture will accumulate in the lungs, which leads to coughing and can cause complications!

Overheating of glycerin in the presence of a large amount of water leads to the release of acrolein, which is a strong carcinogen and belongs to the first class of hazard. The reactivity of this substance can severely irritate the respiratory tract and mucous membranes of the eyes.

At boiling temperatures of up to 390 degrees, glycerin vapors become too heavy to breathe, although they have a slightly sweet taste.

Nicotine is an alkaloid found in plants of the Solanaceae family, mainly in tobacco. Nicotine alkaloids are also present in coca leaves. Nicotine makes up from 0.3 to 5% of the dry weight of tobacco, the biosynthesis of nicotine occurs in the roots, the accumulation of nicotine - in the leaves. Nicotine is a potent neurotoxin especially affecting insects; consequently, nicotine was previously widely used as an insecticide.

Many have heard that nicotine negatively affects many systems of the human body. But not everyone will be able to clearly explain what exactly nicotine is dangerous for a particular organ. Let's look at this issue together.

First of all, nicotine (as well as other substances contained in a cigarette) has a negative effect on the respiratory system.

Harm of nicotine to the respiratory system:

Of more than four thousand different substances that enter the smoker's body along with cigarette smoke, about thirty have an irritating and toxic effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

During smoking, the larynx, nasopharynx, bronchi, trachea are affected. Tobacco smoke provokes an increased production of saliva and mucus, which leads to the accumulation of secretions in the bronchi. Have you noticed how experienced smokers, even being healthy (although they can be called so conditionally), constantly cough (especially in the morning)? The cough reflex is just triggered by the presence of mucus in the bronchi. Moreover, harmful substances of tobacco smoke, including nicotine, can cause bronchospasm.