How to cite an essay with editors
How to cite an essay with editors See 2022 update
Very often, to write an essay, additional sources of information are required. To take information from there and not be accused of plagiarism, it is necessary to make bibliographic references to the source at the end of the page or the whole essay.

The use of other people's quotations allows you to back up your ideas with the words of famous people. That is why every professional editor ivy league application essay actively resorts to quoting in their work. This approach allows you to give the essay a greater degree of academic rigor.
Formation of quotations as in a fiction text
Unlike other works (e.g. term papers, diplomas, essays), the essay is a work of fiction. Therefore, different kinds of citations can be used in it.
Forming an epigraph in an essay:
- Epigraphs. They are written without inverted commas and the author is indicated without brackets.
- If the author is written immediately after the quotation, the expression is highlighted in inverted commas and the author in brackets.
- If a quotation is inserted in an author's sentence, it is indicated by inverted commas. The author's name shall be given in an arbitrary form.
- If the quotation is accompanied by the author's words, punctuation marks are placed in accordance with the rules for direct speech.
How to design a direct speech:
- If lines of a poem are quoted, they are not enclosed in inverted commas.
- Finally, if the quotation is incomplete, a ellipsis should be inserted in place of the missing words.
This is usually the kind of quotation used in essays. Epigraphs are used quite often, so you should pay attention to how to do them correctly. However, there is a possibility that a standard citation, where the author is indicated at the end, may be required.
Formatting citations as in a research paper
Since essays are often written as academic papers, the teacher may impose the same design requirements on them as on essays. This also applies to how the citations should be written.
In this case, there are two ways of quoting correctly:
-A footnote is added to the quotation and the author, the work, the year and the city of publication are indicated under a line at the end of the page.
-In the test, a footnote to the quotation is put in square brackets, and after the whole essay, a general list of the literature used is given. In such a case, it is sufficient to write in the text the number of the source from the list and the page from which you quote the text.
Rules for citation techniques
1. The text of the quotation must correspond exactly to the source from which it is taken. Only minor changes may be made to it.
2. The author may only be quoted from his works. Only in exceptional cases, where the source is unavailable or where it is extremely difficult to find, is it permissible to quote the author from excerpts of his works cited by another author.
There are several reasons for the restriction. There is a danger of inaccurate citations. One has to rely only on the thoroughness of whoever is quoted first, which is problematic. It makes it difficult for the reader to get to the source.
3. As a rule, an author should not be quoted from old editions of his works if there are later, refined ones. If a classic work is quoted, a textually authoritative edition must be chosen as the primary source.
Always quote appropriately. Otherwise, it may be considered plagiarism. If you have not yet learned how to use quotations properly, experts in essay editing are always ready to share their experiences.