There is a huge selection of various vaporizers on the market today, they differ in their shape, size, feature set, vapor delivery method, etc. But all evaporators have one thing in common - they heat the substance, but how we will now consider.


Best dry herb vaporizer under $100 The Intelligent Investor
What is the Best dry herb vaporizer under $100 in 2022?

Let's start with the basics - what is a vaporizer?

A vaporizer is a device used to vaporize biologically active substances from dried medicinal plants. In addition to dry crushed herbs, solid, liquid, oily and pasty plant extracts evaporate in vaporizers. Simplified, the evaporation process is divided into three stages:

  • Heating the substance to the required temperature (up to the boiling point, since different plants and their concentrates release active ingredients at different temperatures)
  • Extraction of essential oils from dry herbs during heating
  • Converting the resulting essential oils into steam

The beauty of a vaporizer is that it does not burn herbs or herbal substances, cause them to burn, or produce smoke. The only thing that the device produces is steam saturated with aromatic molecules of plants that have a variety of beneficial properties. The absence of combustion results in a high-quality extraction of ingredients and does not allow the formation of toxic and carcinogenic substances. Therefore, there is no irritating and harmful effect, as with smoking.

Types of Vaporizers

There is a huge selection of various vaporizers on the market today, they differ in their shape, size, feature set, vapor delivery method, etc. But all evaporators have one thing in common - they heat the substance, but how we will now consider.

Depending on the method of heating (the method of heat transfer from the heating element), there are three types of vaporizers: conduction, convection and beam vaporizers.


The conduction (contact) method involves the direct transfer of heat from a hotter body to a less heated one. Accordingly, in evaporators using conduction (thermal conduction), the plant material is heated directly from contact with the walls of the heating chamber (chamber for herbs). In order for the chamber to heat up quickly and efficiently transfer heat, it is made of materials with high thermal conductivity, such as metal, ceramics, glass. Conductive type vaporizers use electricity, butane gas, or the open flame of a lighter as the energy source.

Such vaporizers were the first to appear on the market (in the mid-1990s) and are currently being produced. This category includes electronic cigarettes, pen-style vaporizers, and most portable vaporizers. They may be considered an old-fashioned form of vaporization, but they still have some compelling advantages over convection vaporizers that are worth considering when shopping for the Best dry herb vaporizer under 100 for you.

Pros of conduction vaporizers

  • They quickly heat up and evaporate the substance, which is very convenient with a limited supply of time.
  • Direct contact of the herbal substance with the heating element leads to an increase in the amount of steam produced.
  • They consume less energy, which means they require less charging.
  • Most often they have a simple design, they do not have many details and mechanisms, which simplifies the operation and maintenance of the device.
  • They've been in production for decades, so it's easy to know which brands are the best and which model to buy.
  • Due to the simpler design, they are cheaper than convection and beam evaporators.


Herbs are heated unevenly, since not all parts of the grated plant come into contact with the hot walls of the chamber. In addition to direct heating from the walls of the bowl, the material is heated through thermal radiation emanating from the heating element, but still this is not enough for complete evaporation. Therefore, users of most of these vaporizers have to periodically shake the device or open the heating chamber to mix the herbal mixture and let all of its pieces warm up.
Many inexpensive vaporizer models do not have precise temperature control and regulation.

After turning off, they continue to heat the plant material, because. the heating chamber does not immediately cool down.
Poorly designed evaporators can heat the material to the point of combustion, which will adversely affect the flavor and aroma of the steam produced.

Since the heat transfer system of these vaporizers is simply arranged, requiring fewer components and space, it is the dominant heating system for pen-style portable and handheld vaporizers. A prominent representative of the conduction type is the Snoop Doog G PEN vaporizer.